Friday, April 17, 2009

rock on

Doing this project has made me realize that the people that put band tours together work really hard at this. We had to just pick some cities and places to play at and that was pretty time consuming for us. I cant even think of the steps and process it would take to set up a real tour. Marketing, venues that are not booked, setting ticket prices, getting items to sell at the concert, transportion, and hotels. We just went and chose what and when we wanted something not looking at the big picture and all the factors that play into this.

We targeted more of the emo i guess u would say people. we had that layed back depressing music i guess. i didnt really choose pick the band type i just went along but i liked it, it was a cool thing cause i like all kinds of music so this wasnt bad.

It was a nice fun project but idk if i knew what we used all the sports marketing trems for but i did learn alot from this project